Sunday, December 9, 2018

Information About Planstreet Inc Project Management Software

PlanStreet is a predictive project scheduling software that automatically
updates project plans. By doing so, team members work when they’re
needed and budgets stay on track.

PlanStreet enables smooth collaboration with on-site and remote teams
through daily updates linked to real-time project management software. Nothing
gets lost, forgotten, or left behind in the project management/ task

As your company grows, PlanStreet grows with it. As your projects and
business processes expand and need for online project management
software evolve, PlanStreet does the same. 

No more hassles using multiple project management and task
management software products. One report tells you everything you
need to know, acting as an early-detection system for risk.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How can online project management software help your business?

Project Management Software

The right online project management tools or project portfolio management software can help you gather relevant data and information to grow your business. Plus, the software makes it convenient to collaborate and complete projects.

Project management software supports the team to plan and manage their schedules more efficiently. Online Project management tools can be beneficial and convenient for all project stakeholders due to ease of use and open collaboration.

It’s not just for project managers anymore; teams globally are adopting the technology. Every obstacle in the project lifestyle is a significant challenge. The software often contains easy to use project scheduling software and collaboration software to ensure that the teams get the work done on time.

There are various types of tools that you can choose from such as the Gantt Chart Software and Kanban Board. In today’s busy world, entrepreneurs and executive management are continually searching for the right online project management software to implement in their organization.

Collaborate more efficiently

Teamwork and collaboration is the heart of every enterprise. Managers oversee a variety of departments and teams while ensuring smooth operations and delivery of work.

Since the product/project teams are scattered across the globe, it can be quite challenging to stay on top of everything. Fortunately, with the collaboration software, department and teams have the ability to comment, share, access file, with a complete overview of every aspect of the project.

For example, even though business, functional, technical and sales teams have independent tasks and workloads, they can still share knowledge, issues, risks and openly collaborate as and when required to ensure project success.


The goal of every project is to create, perform, track and report on tasks required to complete the project on time and within budget.

You will need to gather data and information to forecast how long specific tasks will take. Task management software can help track time and plan projects making them a useful tool for collecting and gathering data.

These accurate predictions from the task management tools can help save a lot of time and money during the life-cycle of the project.


Projects usually focus on solutions and implementations. Project management software will let you know if something needs attention.

It provides a thorough overview of the tasks, which include information about when it's going to be completed, by whom, and what still needs attention.

This information will get rid of those lengthy and complicated daily meetings.


Excellent project management the software will combine tools that you are using today and bring information together.

Your team can work more efficiently when all the tools are accessible within one software. These integrations will allow you to access real-time financial information without accessing separate software.

G Suite or Office 365 integration can assist teams to stay on top of entire business operations. Overall,  integration opportunities can open up many doors.

Access anytime and anywhere

When everyone is using the same platform, the company can access files, tasks, reports, and contacts anywhere they go.

You can even use your smart phone to access the software to view and track the required information while you stand in line waiting for your cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Plus the software is continuously updated, so you wouldn't have to worry about outdated data.


If someone stole your laptop or spilled water on it, you wouldn't have to panic over lost projects or data.

Fortunately, with the cloud project management software, all your work, and information is automatically stored in the cloud database along with a secure password.

That way, all your work is safe, and that no one can access it without your password. Once you get a new laptop, all you have to do is log in, and your information and projects are there waiting for you.

Cost efficiency

82% of the companies who transitioned towards project management software have saved a lot of money, and 80% have seen improvements within six months.

The cost-efficiency is the primary reason why more organizations are transitioning towards the online project management systems.

Technology is continuously evolving and it’s important to stay on top so your business can expand and grow.

Things you have seen and done in the past may not work anymore in the future. It’s important to take advantage of what’s out there such as the online project management software to help organize, collaborate, budget, schedule, store and gather data.

With the right tools, your business success is guaranteed.